Top Reason to Visit a Physical Therapy

A La clinica PT can help you get your life back on track if you are injured. They can also help prevent injuries in the first place by educating patients about movement and injury prevention.

A physical therapist will begin by discussing your symptoms and performing a thorough physical assessment. They will then compare the two to determine your diagnosis.

Relieve Pain

Your physical therapist (PT) will perform an exam and ask you questions about your pain and how it affects your daily life. Then they will use hands-on techniques to reduce the amount of pain you feel, including mobilization, manipulations, joint and soft tissue stretching, muscle and strength exercises, and movement pattern interventions.

Many people experience pain from joints like the spine, knees, hips and elbows. Making the muscles around those joints stronger will help reduce pain by taking pressure off of nerves that travel through them.

PT can also help manage emotional responses to pain, such as fear and anxiety. One way to do this is by incorporating cognitive behavioral therapy into treatment. Using this type of approach, a PT can help patients replace negative thoughts and behaviors about moving and activity with positive ones.

Strengthen Muscles

A major part of physical therapy is strengthening the muscles around your injury. This will help reduce pain, improve function and increase your ability to perform your daily activities.

Strengthening is especially important for patients who have been inactive for a long period of time. This is because the muscles at the site of an injury often atrophies and becomes weak.

Your therapist will prescribe you with a series of at-home exercises to complete between sessions. This is to help keep you consistent and on track with your recovery between appointments.

Your therapist may also use heat or ice to relax the muscles and reduce inflammation, which can help ease your pain. They will also teach you proper form when exercising, which can decrease the risk of injuries in the future.

Improve Mobility

Movement is an essential part of life, and physical therapists help people who have lost some degree of mobility due to injury or illness. They guide them through exercises to improve their range of motion, strengthen weak muscles, and improve gait and balance.

PTs also teach patients safe ways to move, and can recommend medical devices like walkers or braces. They may even perform hands-on treatments, such as massage or electrical stimulation to break down adhesions.

Most importantly, a PT spends a lot of time one-on-one with their clients. This creates an opportunity for a unique and trusting client-therapist connection that can improve treatment outcomes. This is especially important if you have a chronic condition that causes pain and limits your movement. Creating this bond can boost your motivation and help you feel better faster.

Improve Balance

Balance is a complex skill that requires practice. Your body relies on several systems to create a sense of balance, including your eyes, inner ear, muscles and bones. Physical therapy can improve the way these systems communicate with each other to help you stand, walk and move around without falling.

Your physical therapist can teach you exercises to improve your balance and reduce fall risk, even if you have severe balance problems or are at high risk of falls. They can also address tight muscles that contribute to balance issues.

Your PT will focus on improving static balance (when sitting or standing still) and dynamic balance (keeping your balance while moving or doing daily activities). They can help you learn how to compensate for balance problems, such as by shifting your weight to your stronger side when balancing.

Prevent Injury

It is possible to prevent injury with regular physical therapy. Whether you’re an athlete or someone who is prone to arthritis, fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions, a physical therapist can help you reduce pain and improve mobility.

They’re also experts in movement and can teach you how to improve your posture, balance, and strength to avoid injury in the future. This includes advice on how to avoid injuries caused by repetitive movements, like shin splints or carpal tunnel.

While there are times when you should see a physical therapist for an existing injury, many people visit them as a proactive way to prevent injury. If you’re a busy person with chronic pain or an injury-prone sportsperson, consider adding physical therapy to your routine. It could save you a lot of pain (and expense) in the long run.